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run 067.mp4

Run 67, Essendon

Thu 15-Aug-2024

4 Pack & Pog train then A -to- B run from Windy Hill, 3 creek crossings to a great drink stop.

On On..

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 64, South Melbourne

Thu 04-Jul-2024

RubbaHole Rubbahole orchestrated a great city trail that& newbies loved it too. Hash runs present an ideal opportunity to connect with others in a fun, welcoming environment, regardless of prior knowledge Great way to socialise. Drinking club with a running problem.

On On..

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 44, Footscray

Thu 05-Oct-2023

MyCALFIsSoreUs from Back Alley Salley's.... wet, wet wet... A hare assisted run from Salley's to the river, on right with significant live-hare assistance owing to the trail markings succumbing to the rain.

Two dri nks stops, (1) a Honey Jack Daniels & tales of MyCALFIsSoreUs terrorising local bus drivers as a kid, and (2) very fancy digs at the Footscray Hotel - this gem of a venue is a must see before the developers move in.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 43, Race the Tram

Sat 23-Sep-2023

The stage was set for a classic run-off #CityHash versus the City Circle Tram (no. 35).

But alas on the day, the tram forfeited, and the hash degenerated into a ramble.  Two official drinks stops (The Imperial & The Duke of Wellington) but some wiley hashers adding Insignia & a bucket full of shots from a BWS.

About 8.5km with around the city circle, we welcomed new #hasher Just John who was in a tussle with Princess Mary & Skinny Tool for the coveted first hasher back.  But the wiley Mr Tool  went above & beyond - in addition to the two official drink stops, picked up a third at Insignia on Flinders and made it back within the alloted 90 minutes.

Most of the trailing hashers grabbed a bucket of shots at a BWS and were languishing but very happy when they got back to Urban Alley at nearer the 2 hour mark.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-Race the Tram on Youtube.

Run 42, Elsternwick

Thu 21-Sep-2023

Skinny Tool set a great trail from the Goat House.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 41, Richmond

Thu 07-Sep-2023

Pog planned & set a cracker of a run from the Central Club Hotel, Swan St Richmond.  But fatal mistake assigned Skinny Tool as RA for the night...  15 minutes before the run an absolute drenching erasing all trail.

The hardy harriers set off into the pelting rain, except Wild Rider who hid in her car, and Blowfly escorted visiting hasher Desperate House Wife around a truncated trail.

About 9.5km with intricate trail - wise old hasher Shit Off A Shovel scoring it 41 out of 41.  Princess Mary, Spermicide, Su Ann, Back Beard & 4 Pack all happy with the run.

Back at the pub Suez came up short on the pole dancing expectations but came good with shower caps for MyCALFIsASoreUs on the occassion of his 40th run.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 40, South Melbourne

Thu 17-Aug-2023

Wet Pussy planned a magnificent run from Westside Ale Works, only to pull up lame - it was now for Whippet to step in, co-hare, and screw the run up.  as a brand new aussie didn't even take a sickie to set trail from Richmond's All Nations Hotel

Shiny Dick was seen setting setting a cracking pace, but checks kept all harriers in varying places and sight of each other.  About 7.5 km enjoyed by all.  

With the pub literally closing early and kicking 3 groups of drinkers onto the streets, Just Nari, Pog, and visitor Lombolok accompanied 4 Pack to one of hist prestiguous haunts in the city for a night cap.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 39, Richmond

Thu 03-Aug-2023

Shiny Dick as a brand new aussie didn't even take a sickie to set trail from Richmond's All Nations Hotel

A short run north through Collingwood and crossing paths with some serious runners come coal-miners (The Studley Park Runners) after crossing the Yarra.  Well worn path to the East... a check where everyone forgot about calling "on on" - especially at a check so poor soles out checking know to come back!  Followed by a relatively predictible on home.

Great stuff Shiny - thanks - 8.2 km, that welcomed first time hasher Just Richard - who cozing up to the hare (GM) said, he really enjoyed the run and shenanigans.

A highlight of the night was naming of Rubba Hole.  Also, to see Blowfly back after a short absence, coincidently aligning with Shit Off A Shovel.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 38, Carlton North

Thu 20-Jul-2023

Spermicide set her first time trail, well thought out but a little on the short side (about 6.5km from The Great Northern Hotel, embracing Carlton's lanes and a drink stop.  But we were back in time for the Matildas in the World Cup -v- Ireland.

Big welcome to a host of first time City Hashers and first time hashers - Maggot & Dripping Wet from  Singapore Hash House Harriers and yet to be named Just Guy & Just Laura - really great to have you all along.  

Proper cold but fortunately just after the rain Spermicide kept the pack together with slow and fast runners generally within site of each other throughtout (but this was in the notable absence of some FRBs and other FRBs seemingly taking it easy.

12 on a cold night that coincided with Shiney's citizenship and a miltitde of excuses is not a bad turn out.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 37, Coopers Inn

Thu 06-Jul-2023

Pog set a10.5 km run (for FRBs) but leisurely 6km for SCBs from The Coopers Inn, embracing City lanes, skirting a Richmond home game @ The G, East Melbourne, Fitzroy Park.

Awesome to have two runners brand new to Hash House Harriers - Just Emanuel & Just Basha - initial feedback was positive.  But also welcome two diehard hashers first time running with us: Back Beard (Kuala Lumpur H3) & Chelsey Clinton (Nelson Bay H3). 

With a cold & predicted wet run, great to have 15 turn-up.

But highlight of the night was the overdue naming of Princess Mary (our Danish/Australian Princess).

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 36, St Kilda

Thu 15-Jun-2023

Whippet set an 8-9 ish km run from The Cross, embracing St Kilda West, the Lake, and Windsor.

Really great to welcome two new hashers Blower & NanaBlower an FRB showing the way throughout & Nana sweeping at the back with the hare..

Great run with drink stop at the Windsor Castle (just don't drink at the bar FFS).  It was sadly Jock's last run with City Hash he's off on a jaunt which will include catching up with the dynamic duo Nasdick & Cop Teaser, and Wild Rider is on safari for a few weeks.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 35, Fitzroy North

Thu 01-Jun-2023

Shiny Dick set an 8+km run from the Local Brewing Company, North Fitzroy.

Blowfly appeared for the trail but buzzed off in pursuit of shit off a shovel or equivalent.  The remaining 13 Harriers set off on a well planend and marked trail, a torch was a must - it's always good to find moderate trails on a city hash..

Just Rasmus again avoided naming but one feels it's nigh, he was among a few brave souls, which included 4 Pack and others kicked on at the Gasometer, which turned the lights on at 02:00 - praise the brew gods for WFH!.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 34, Brunswick East

Thu 18-May-2023

Pog set an 8.4km run making the most of Merri Creek.

Post run festivities at the Lomond Hotel included naming of Blowfly, hard to resist when he admitted to being because of Shit Off A Shovel.

MyCALFIsSoreUs & the aforementions SOAS were the only two non-SCBs.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 33, Flemington

Thu 04-May-2023

Jock set a great run.

Welcome back to hash to Late Cummer after his awesome run in the London Marathon.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 32, Port Melbourne

Thu 20-Apr-2023

Suez set first time solo hare set an admirable run from Port Melbourne....


See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 31, Fitzroy

Thu 06-Apr-2023

Pog set run of the decade - "best hash run I have ever been on" was uttered by 4 Pack.  Most tech-savvy harriers clocked between 7 & 8 km, depending on SCB savings. loops, check backs alleys - Whippet even found some shiggy.  Great to see Just Phil & Just Bernadette - three runs in a row, and great to have some FRBs.

Post run festivities at the top notch Union Club Hotel included our first naming Just Jolene, from this point forward is to known as Spermicide.

Shiny Dick came good with some merchandise - this is hot property and you had best get in quick.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 30, Windsor

Thu 16-Mar-2023


See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 29, Duke of Wellington

Thu 02-Mar-2023

Harriers mingling with Ed Sherin fans pre-run lube.  Pog sent the pack off for a 9km+ run right on time.  New harriers galore - Just Bernadette, Just Phil, Just Jono, and Just Tim - welcome one & all.

Great use of a small geographical area.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 28, Kensington

Thu 16-Feb-2023

MyCALFisSoreUs chose a new pub & suburb for run 27, a scorching high 30s degrees day - The Quiet Man pub at Kensington.  Great choice.

Suez in an unapologetic attempt to turn Hash into a race, helped set trail, then got every check right in an apparent race to the drink stop!

Others plodded along not realising why the checks were so ineffective.  Nevertheless a great run through the suburb that was, back in the day, stockyards.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 27, West Melbourne

Thu 02-Feb-2023

Skinny Tool chose last run's ad hoc drink stop - Hotel Spencer - as the launching pad for a another quagmire run,  Skinny Tool must have failed at R.A. school :-)

SuezAnne & Just Jolene, setting the early pace, but all were kept in check by the rain affected markings.  Squinter found trail at Flagstaff Gardens and off for a romp through Carlton to the iconic John Curtain Hotel for a drink stop, where we were joined by perennial late-comer MyCalfIsSoreUs.

Off through Melbourne Uni (not show on map due to scribes SCB antics) but with MyCalfIsSoreUs who didn't want to wet his hair!  On home from there - and meeting up with said MyCalfIsSOREus who apparently got lost on his SCB home.

Great run and about 7.5 km on the scribe's Garmin.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 26, West Melbourne

Thu 19-Jan-2023

Shiny Dick found the only Brewery that specialises in bottled beer (no draught) for run 26.  No Matter, when did that ever bother #CityHash :-)

Muff Diver, having enjoyed the last trail was back for another City run... and again went AWOL part the way through - or was perhaps was taken by the Monster of Moonee Ponds Creek.  Also Just Amy pulled up short - and we're all hoping she has recovered.

Suez appeared for her first run of the year, but we especially had to celebrate MyCalfIsSOREUs for being the first to run 25 #CityHarrier runs - big up!

Great run and nice distance 8.5 km on the scribe's Garmin.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 25, Batman Park

Thu 05-Jan-2023

Pog took the day off to set city trail from our birthplace at Batman Park.  The nosh house opened for the occassion - post run festivities assured.

Off the pack headed across to Crown, up river, some city street & lane rambunctious ramblings... loops, twists, & turns around Fed' Square, Birrarung Marr, heading toward Fitzroy Gardens - Ah Sole leading the way.  At this time the hare realised his GPS tracking was fucked up in setting trail, and directed the pack to the drink stop at the Mitre Tavern (refuses to serve dark ale but otherwise a good pub).

Muff Diver, having had too much of a good thing skipped the drink stop and nicked off.  Great nosh, drinks, and on after at a nearby bar where the local hooker knew Klingon by proper name.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 24, Richmond

Thu 15-Dec-2022

Shit Off A Shovel had us off from Bridge Road Brewery, Richmond.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 23, Newport

Thu 01-Dec-2022

Suez & Squinter had us off from The Junction Hotel, Neport.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 22, Richmond

Thu 17-Nov-2022

Whippet set trail the Bridge Road Brewery (brewery of many names) - another very small pursuing pack of harriers.  Great to see Just John. backing up for his 2nd ever Hash run - he's getting the hang of it this trail, holding back and letting the fit FRBs do their thing with checks and false trails.

Qualified Semen - from London City Hash turned up.  Hise presence in Australia has caused all sorts of mayhem on our wharves with workers locked out - so he's off for his third Hash run in as many nights after Western Suburbs and Lakeside.  The two perennial PTV-deniers (MyCalfIsSOREus & Suez) were caught in traffic, started late and raced their way around the marked through trail to come in just 10 minutes after the pack, despite a 25 minute late departure.

Really great trail with a all harriers regardless of speed and fitness remaining in sight of each other - exceptional planning.  An end of run bucket and circle followed by some great beers at the brewery (yes they had a dark ale :-))   Late cummers Cooch and E&B were welcomed.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 21, Seddon

Thu 03-Nov-2022

Jock the Scotsman set trail from one of his haunts in the Yarraville-Seddon corridor - the Mona Castle Hotel (bloody great pub).  Smallest pack for a while, complemented by newcomer Just John.

Disasterous trail marking from the hare had two on on's from the first check... Skinny Tool to the left and Suez-Anne to the right..  Skinny Tool's trail tacking us back to the pub, was abandoned and off we set to try and catch an hobbling Suez.

Great trail with a customary Jock drink stop thrown in - thanks mate.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 20, Collingwood

Thu 20-Oct-2022

Shiny Dick found a brewery that doesn't have a dining room and white table cloths, enabling the hashers to focus on the basics (run + beer), with a few dabbling in pizza from next door - Fixation Brewery, Collingwood.

We had 12 turn-up including a few walkers - while not harriers (cross country runners), the hare catered for all with first time city hashers Little Green Fcuking Machine, Egg & Bacon Pie, and Handle avoiding the goat trail and three hash halts where the hare ran out of imagination on how to keep the harriers together. 

A big shout out to Just Rasmus getting along to his first ever Hash run and he reckons he will be back - but that might just have been the copious post-run bevvies talking.  A little over 10km (Shiny Dick just can't help himself) with a few tumbles along the way - but well appreciated trail - thanks Shiny.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 19, Williamstown

Thu 06-Oct-2022

Suez-Anne & MyCALFIsSoreUs took us the the glorious suburb of Williamstown and The Morning Star Hotel.

First time #CityHash #Harriers In Limbo & Pussy Sniffer were welcomed and by all accounts enjoyed the run, which had two drink stops to take the edge off the 10km trail, that was kinda easy to guess at checks.   We had great views across to Melbourne, and avoided many of Williamstowns back alleys.

A very special down-down was in order for #Hash Legend, Wild Rider, having caught the Weribbee train and having to turn around, etc... started about 50 minutes after the pack but in true spirit stuck with the trail and came back home.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 18, Port Melbourne

Thu 15-Sep-2022

Late Cummer found a the only pub in Melbourne with drag bingo (possibly not an accident) - The Cornerstone in Port Melbourne.  But the venue or season certainly attracted a turn out - 14 our most so far!  First time to #CityHash Cheaper at Krogers, Coming Anyway, Esra, and visitor Rojo Hammer Toe from Alaska.

First time hare did well with checks and check backs in the first couple of km's, then it became a bit of a follow the trail run...  FRBs missing a drink stop in the Eureka Building 45th (or thereabouts) floor.

Quick down downs and inside for cozy post-run drinks. 

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 17, St Kilda East

Thu 01-Sep-2022

Wet Pussy found a gem of a pub - The Local Taphouse in St Kilda East.  The wily hare set a trail that had all harriers home in one hour.  This is the target duration of a hash run.  about 8km through St Kilda East, but no beach, no esplanade, and no hookers - who knew that was possible?  A measly trail between railway & properties had the pack running through blackberries - "no blood no trail".  Two laggards got back to the beers late: Jock tuning up his FRB credentials went for an extra bit to get his efforts up to 10km and Klingon who claims to have lost trail, despite first rate check markings by MyCalfsSOREus

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.

Run 16, Richmond

Thu 18-Aug-2022

Skinny Tool certainly doesn't have any contacts upstairs.  RAIN, RAIN, RAIN are the best three words to describe this run from the Rising Sun Hotel.  The brave souls all deserve special praise but especially to new to #CityHash Point Post & Just Monica.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 15, Brunswick West

Thu 04-Aug-2022

4 Pack welcomed us all to the Grand View Hotel, Brunswick West for a consecutive run in the inner north.  Welcoming 3 new hashers to #CityHash: Iso Horny, Poison Ivy, and Head Case - our first international visitor and third from overseas (after Dodi & Squinter both from Tasmania). 

An interesting hash where the hare hid trail, even when you were on trail... but all was forgiven for the shortish run (8km) and three drink stops.  Head Case tried to end it all realising the All Blacks had to front up to South Africa after just being trounced by Ireland... and left some DNA behind on the Brunswick pavement, while Iso Horny & Poison Ivy, knowing #MELCTYHHH are harriers (cross country runners) SCB'd between drink stops.

Suez decided drinks stops were not her thing, trudging off on trail to get hopelessly lost.  And that Hash legend Wild Rider, not realising we now start at 18:45 caught us at the third drink stop.

Hare booked a table, which detracted from the normal hash ramblings in the front bar, otherwise a great Hash thank you 4 Pack.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 14, Brunswick

Thu 21-Jul-2022

Ah Sole set a cracking runners trail, made to order for #CityHash exactly what we like at Melbourne's only Hash to always run less than 10km from the city centre.  First time with the City Hash, Wet Pussy shared the honours with Shit Off A Shovel for FRB and the most check backs.  But the check backs were welcomed by the slower harriers who frequently skipped to the front of the trail as the FRBs had ground to make up.

Plenty of cobble stones lane ways and a creek had most of us discombobulated in terms of direction.  This played out at the end when Wild Rider, despite a straight run home took some detours and ended up a long time lost.

Great evening at the Inner North Brewing Company, plenty of beers and a couple of hashers had a feed. 

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 13, Toorak

Thu 07-Jul-2022

Pog provided a tour of Toorak, Hawksburn, South Yarra for run 13.  The wily hare, with strategically spaced check backs and false trails, had all runners within sight of each other throughout.  At about 4 km Just Lily praised the pleasant run, only to be caught short of breath with a check back up and down loads of stairs at 7 kms.
MyCalfIsSOREus enjoyed lairising along Chapel Street and first time City Hasher Squinter benefited from clear markings, being the first to find many check backs.  On on at Jacksons Hotel where we gave feedback on prototype kit - change recommendations noted. 

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 12, Middle Park

Thu 16-Jun-2022

Shiny Dick put his hand up to hare the Winter Solstice run from the lockdown hash haunt at Cellarbrations.  A long 12-13 km trail using checks as the means to keep the pack together had us running a long lap of the lake.  A drink stop at the lockdown/curfew hash hide tree, before on home, and circle.  Some hashers eating at the Thai across the road, others skipping that and hitting the Middle Park Hotel  (aforementioned diners joining after their feed).

Thanks for a great night Shiny.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 11, Fitzroy North

Thu 02-Jun-2022

As always, less than 10km from the city centre run 11 started from The Terminus Hotel, Fitzroy North (close to train and tram).  Pog had the pack, which included new hashers Just Lauren, Just Lily, Just Shaun, and Ninja - thanks to Shit off a shovel.  a 12km trail, which tricked the wily old fox Ah Sole into not knowing the route.

Another enjoyable run, festivities, and very big welcome to new hashers.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 10, Footscray

Thu 19-May-2022

Staying in the Western Suburbs and a start from the Cheeky Pint, Footscray (a short walk from Footscray Station).  Super hare Quick Lay exploited Footscray lanes and alleys to get many of us completely lost as we trundled along.  Again plenty of false trails and checks kept all runners within close distance from each other.

A quick circle at the Cheeky Pint, post Hash feed at local Malaysian hash house, and for the real keen more festivities at a pub across the road.  Really enjoyable night and farewell to Nasdick and Cop Teaser as they head off on their global bicycle tour.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 9, Spotswood

Thu 05-May-2022

Back to the Western Suburbs at the invite of MyCalfIsSOREus, with the base at the Spotswood Hotel, literally across the road from the train station.

7.3 km run through the streets and some very interesting bush trails at Newport Lakes had us running in circles and the spread-out pack of runners becoming less so as the loops, check backs and short cuts in the lakes area regrouped us all.  Out of the lakes, run through Newport past what would have been a great spot for a drink stop (had the dopey hare not left keys to his car (with drinks inside) back at the pub)!  A good run on home.

Great night at the pub, with the publican chasing us away when the Fireballs (drink stop) broke out on the footpath afterwards. 

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 8, Flagstaff Gardens

Thu 21-Apr-2022

Skinny Tool had us back into the city from Flagstaff Gardens.  With a shortish 7km run around Carlton, RMIT, with the trail running underground at Melbourne Central, playing havoc with everybody's Garmins and GPS tracking.

A really fun run, startling many late-night shoppers, with post-run festivities at nearby Thai nosh house, we got to welcome new hashers Just Nick (Late Cummer) and Just Jolene.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 7, Abbotsford

Thu 07-Apr-2022

Pog designed a 10km trek from Abbotsford to Kew and back.  Plenty of loops, check backs, and checks kept fast and slow runners within site of each other, often with the slower runners in front.  A great run taking in the Yarra River, bushland, and lanes.  Drink stop in Richmond eith a quick circle in Flockhart Reserve before some after run socialising in a nearby Vietnamese Restaurant.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 6, North Melbourne

Thu 17-Mar-2022

Wild Rider's first hare anywhere and she came up with a gem of a run from the Albion Hotel, North Melbourne - a 10km jaunt with a bit of everything.

NE to Royal Park and some good check backs and loops keeping the FRBs & SCBs in touch and plenty of SCB opportunities.  On under the freeway and some shiggy capturing Skinny Tool and scaring Jock off trail only to be, deseverdly, caught on a fence.

Nice drink stop and great on after.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 5, Yarraville

Thu 03-Mar-2022

Approx' 10.6 km run from Yarraville to the Yarra River, toward Williamtown, Spotswood, South Kingsville across the freeway and McIvor Reserve and Cruckshank Park... Jock put on a runners run, but we were well quenched with two drinks stops that were very well received.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 4, Brunswick West

Thu 17-Feb-2022

Approx' 8 km run through Brunswick West streets, lanes, and parks.  4 Pack has discovered a gem of a bar like it was custom made for a Hash run - Little Albion Bar - what a cracker jack.

Awesome drink stop from the boot of his vehicle and on back to Little Albion Bar, where festivities continued into the night.  Inexpensive food from neighbouring shops delivered to the bar.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 3, Brighton East

Thu 03-Feb-2022

Approx' 8 km run through East Brighton streets and lanes, from one of Melbourne's nicest Parks.  While Skinny Tool set a good run that kept the pack together with check backs and loops enabling short cuts he was never the less reminded that City Hash runs from with 10km of the city centre and this was on the edge shall we say.

Post run, a few beers in Landcox Park and on on to Tao Dumplings, Bay Street for some good nosh. 

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 2, Docklands Park

Thu 20-Jan-2022

Approx' 10 km run through Melbourne streets and lanes, the back half south of the river had us guessing  as we would our way back to Docklands.  The trail was followed by some beers and a Drone light show, Middle Eastern feed, with a few brave souls finishing at The Mail Exchange Hotel. 

Well done Shiny Dick.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 1, Batman Park

Wed 05-Jan-2022

Pog started us off with the initial run - approx' 10 km maximising the Yarra River and some famous Melbourne Lanes.  A drink stop at The Mitre Tavern.  A really enjoyable night with Malaysian Street Food, Tiger Beer and a new Hash was born. 

A shout out to founding harriers - 4 Pack, Gerbils, Shiny Dick, Skinny Tool, Whippet, & Wild Rider.

See FACEBOOK pic's.

Run 43, Race the Tram

Sat 23-Sep-2023

The stage was set for a classic run-off #CityHash versus the City Circle Tram (no. 35).

But alas on the day, the tram forfeited, and the hash degenerated into a ramble.  Two official drinks stops (The Imperial & The Duke of Wellington) but some wiley hashers adding Insignia & a bucket full of shots from a BWS.

About 8.5km with around the city circle, we welcomed new #hasher Just John who was in a tussle with Princess Mary & Skinny Tool for the coveted first hasher back.  But the wiley Mr Tool  went above & beyond - in addition to the two official drink stops, picked up a third at Insignia on Flinders and made it back within the alloted 90 minutes.

Most of the trailing hashers grabbed a bucket of shots at a BWS and were languishing but very happy when they got back to Urban Alley at nearer the 2 hour mark.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-Race the Tram on Youtube.

Run 67, Essendon

Thu 15-Aug-2024

4 Pack & Pog train then A -to- B from Windy Hill.

On On.

See FACEBOOK pic'sMovie-map of run.